

文墨詩心,⻘禾初見。溫暖自在,悅享時光。對傳統藝術的學習在今天已漸成為陶冶性情,點綴生活的時尚,甚或壹種個人修持的生活方 式。在當下之日常與古典之精神間潛藏著生命的往還。此往還和交流又奠基壹種此時代之新氣象。於傳統藝術是薪火相傳,於自己是歡喜 自在。

墨禾藝術課是關於成年人的藝術課,藝術的學習近於壹種個人的修持修心方式,是有壹靜默獨處,藉以藝術體認切己關心的世界。 書法國畫手作等,以期各於藝林壹隅養成壹有興味的生活,漸於日常得壹新領悟,於生命開壹新境界。

時間消逝在緩緩書寫中… ,那一刻是最美時光。學養懷玉,筆墨精微,修身,怡性,養生。 那也是妳最幸福的時刻,動靜相宜。

About Us

Calligraphy elegant, green grass and grain. Natural happiness, enjoys life slow time. Feel free, in ink grain classroom. The
study of traditional art in today has gradually become a temperament, adorn the fashion of life, or even one kind of personal practice way of life. In the moment of daily and classic hidden in between the spirit of life set. This set and communication and based one kind of the new atmosphere of The Times. Traditional art is a new generation, oneself is a happy home.

Grain ink art is about adult art, the art of the study is one kind of personal way of practice is built, there is one silent solitude, so as to realize cut oneself care about the world of art.
Calligraphy painting hand made, etc., in order to each in art circles one corner to form one have fun life, gradually in daily to this new understanding, to life open one new state.

The ancients cloud: “Ming net a few Windows, writing brush and ink stone paper and ink are very excellent, also is the life one.”
Time moves slowly in writing… That one moment is the most beautiful time. Educated HuaiYu, subtle, cultivate one’s morality, diet, keeping in good health. It is you the most happy moment, indoor.